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Spec eliminated 99.7% in chargebacks for a global theme park

Spec helped global theme park operator shut down ticket system abusers and eliminate over 99% of fraud chargebacks

Reduction in
21 days
From Kickoff
to Protected
Abusive Journey
Attribution for Blocks


Customer Journey Security
Payment Protection



A global entertainment giant, celebrated for its iconic theme parks, was confronted with a rising tide of fraud on its ticketing websites. These fraudulent activities were driving up costs, eroding revenue, and tarnishing the brand’s reputation. With the threat of being forced into a costly fraud monitoring program and a surge in negative online reviews, the company needed an effective and immediate solution.



The company turned to Spec to tackle these challenges. The platform provided comprehensive end-to-end visibility via Journey Data, allowing the company to identify the root causes of fraudulent chargebacks and first-party misuse. By deploying Spec, the company was able to streamline policy enforcement, trap attackers in honeypots, and ensure that guests experienced the magic they expected from such a beloved brand.


  • 99.7% reduction in chargebacks, avoiding penalties and the need for a fraud monitoring program
  • Live in 21 days, providing immediate protection
  • Effortlessly extended to global family of properties, providing unified detection and visibility
Product Example (Insights 1)

A Global Entertainment Leader Safeguards Magical Experiences for Fans

In the world of theme parks, where every guest interaction is designed to create joy and wonder, the company knew that their reputation hinged on delivering seamless and magical experiences. Every year, millions of visitors flock to these parks, with the promise of stepping into their favorite fictional worlds. However, the rise in fraudulent activities threatened to disrupt this magic.

Fans who unknowingly purchased invalid tickets from scammers were left disappointed and frustrated. These scams not only led to revenue loss but also damaged the company’s brand image, as negative reviews began to pile up online. Additionally, unauthorized resellers were locking up large volumes of tickets, driving up prices and limiting availability for genuine customers.

Despite having invested in top-tier fraud prevention and bot detection solutions, the company’s existing systems were failing to catch these sophisticated attacks. Fraudsters were slipping through the cracks, exploiting weaknesses in the system, and causing significant harm.

This is where Spec Customer Journey Security made the difference. Unlike traditional point solutions that rely on incomplete data, Spec provided the company with complete visibility into every aspect of the customer journey. By capturing 100% of site visitor interactions in real time, Spec was able to uncover the various sources of fraud that had previously gone undetected.

Within the first month of deployment, Spec had not only identified the breaches but also neutralized the attackers by funneling them into honeypots. These deceptive traps effectively disabled the fraudsters’ ability to cause further harm, while feeding them poisoned data to thwart future attacks.

The immediate success of the platform led the company to extend Spec’s protection to new web properties to extend uniform coverage over their global ticketing storefronts. The deployment went smoothly, ensuring that the new site experiences are secure from day one. As a result, the company was able to protect both its revenue and reputation, allowing guests to continue enjoying the magical experiences they had come to expect.

With Spec Customer Journey Security in place, the company drove millions back to their bottom line, reduced pressure on internal fraud detection processes, reversed the trend of negative reviews, and secured its position as a leader in delivering unparalleled guest experiences.

Learn More

Discover how Spec Customer Journey Security can help protect your business from fraud and ensure your customers enjoy the experiences they deserve. Contact us for a demo today.